Oceamo ICP Analysis

Oceamo ICP Analysis

from £34.99

More than just another ICP

The Oceamo Professional Seawater Analysis Service is not just another option for ICP testing – although the service does include ICP, there’s so much more and is the only service of its kind. So you can be sure your purchasing the very best ICP analyses available anywhere in the world.

Professional ICP-OES

Although ICP-OES is a powerful method for measuring the levels of individual elements, many of the important parameters in reef keeping (e.g. alkalinity or nutrients) cannot be directly measured with this method.

For this reason, the Oceamo Seawater Analysis subjects each sample to an array of additional measurements, including testing your RO/DI water also.

Its includes Ion chromatography (with conductivity and UV detection) which is used to measure fluoride, nitrate and nitrite with very low detection limits. Salinity is determined using a conductivity sensor, and alkalinity determined titrimetrically. Phosphate is measured with a sensitive photometric method which determines accurate and sensitive data on this important parameter. ICP is a powerful tool for measuring the levels of individual elements in a sample, including trace elements present at low levels in seawater. However, the usual analysis of unfiltered samples can lead to major errors in the levels of trace elements.
To remove this contamination and provide clean samples suitable for ICP analysis, Oceamo ICP’s have always included a syringe filter that effectively removes any particles as small as bacteria. These filtered samples provide data without the contamination from small particles that can otherwise produce substantial errors in these measurements, many other brands still don’t or have only just started following Oceamo’s lead.

Oceamo doesn’t just provide you with a list of numbers in complex datasets, the interpretation of your results is at least as valuable as the data itself. So, the team at Oceamo take the time to evaluate and explain your results, so you don’t have to be a chemist or advance reef keeper to understand the data. If any imbalances or deficiencies are found, the Oceamo team will provide suggestions on a strategy for remedying these conditions.
This service is not just an automated printout from a lab instrument. All the data from each sample are reviewed by trained professionals at Oceamo, who then communicate their conclusions to you directly, along with suggestions for correcting any problems detected by the test. This direct line of communication between you and Oceamo’s experts is a truly unique advantage, that to our knowledge is not offered by any other ICP service in the aquarium industry.

Also check out Oceamo’s NEW Ultra sensitive ICP-MS Analysis which tests for far more essential traces and pollutants and is up to 10,000 times more sensitive than any other ICP-OES. Already used by the world’s best Reef Aquariums including Polo Reefs amazing aquarium.

All analyses received at Reef Quest UK are sent off by us completely FREE on Wednesday’s after the post has been received.

Your results will be uploaded on Friday in just 2 days time.

Sampling is easy also, just register your sample here https://oceamo-portal.com/ and follow the instructions

Please send your ICP’s to: Oceamo by Reef Quest, 13 Lower Hill Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LS

A LARGE Letter stamp is all that's needed when sending it back to us, just pop it in the post box in original packaging supplied.

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